2012年3月15日 星期四

Find a Job With No Experience - Is it Possible?

Find a job no experience no worries. Contrary to popular belief, finding a job no with experience is not at all difficult. You don't even need to go out. You just have to open your computer and enter the world called the Internet. With just a few clicks you may be on your way to finding your dream job, one that does not require any experience.

But if there's one thing you have to know, that is there are only certain kinds of jobs that you can look, hope, and qualify for. Definitely, you shouldn't be hoping for a managerial job because such would require years of experience. The jobs that you would generally qualify for are telecommuting and affiliate marketing jobs.

Under telecommuting jobs are data entry jobs, tutoring jobs, web design, and the like. Compared to affiliate marketing, these are the jobs that you definitely have to work for. In affiliate marketing, you can just sit back and relax, waiting for money to come in. All you have to do is to place an advertisement of an online merchant in your website. The more people clicking the advertisement the more you earn. Also, if the members and sales of that online merchant increase because of your doing, you will also earn. Such types of jobs do not require any experience. So even if you are just a student, you can take those on.

Where can you find a job no experience? You can find such on the worldwide web. The easiest way is to do a Google search. By doing so, you will be able to find companies that offer such jobs. Normally, they indicate if they require experience. But as what has been said, telecommuting jobs and affiliate marketing does not require experience. So it should not be difficult.

However you should be wary of jobs that seem too perfect to be true. There are some which are very misleading since they say that they will pay you at a very high rate. Often, such jobs turn out to be scams. So do not just take on jobs. Make sure that they are reputable by searching their company or domain name on Google.

For people who want to work, is qualified, but does not have experience, worry no more. You can find a job no experience needed. With a few clicks, you can find tons of jobs for you on the Internet. You just have to sort these out, find out if what they offer is what you really want, and determine if they are reputable or not.

Do you want to learn about the #1 internet marketing program on the internet? Discover how you can begin earning a significant income working at home in a legitimate business. All you need is a computer, access to the internet and a willingness to learn - Find A Job No Experience

I have worked from home for over 20 years earning a comfortable living. It was a little scary at first but I never looked back. The best thing is that my future, my income and my employment status is completely under my control.

I never have to worry about a disagreeable boss, commuting and siting in traffic, working on another person's time clock and spending large blocks of time away from my family. Overall, life is good!

A good place to get started is to learn from those that have tremendous success in internet marketing. Two young men who have made millions have developed an internet community to teach you their techniques. Click below to find out more.


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Finding a Work at Home Job is Not a Lonely Journey

Whoever said finding a work at home job was not easy was absolutely right. It doesn't matter if the economy is failing or not. Plainly telecommuting jobs don't fall from the sky.

It can be a daunting task to find the work at home job on your own. Here are three ways to seek help and make your journey into working at home a success and as stress-free as possible.

1. Seek the help of others either through networking online or offline. The more people who know you're looking for a work at home job, the better. If they know, they may also pass the information along to someone else who may be looking for someone.

If you're networking offline always have resumes handy.

2. Use other online outlets like work at home forums. Community forums are one of the best tools to use to find a work at home job. You're reaching out to a lot of people in different parts of the world and you're increasing your chances that much more.

The important part of using forums is providing as much information about you as possible without giving out personal information. In order to get the most and use your time wisely is be forthcoming about what you're looking for, what skills and experience you have, what you don't want to do, but are open to. Even though you may have certain needs to be met, keep in mind you don't want to limit yourself and become inflexible.

Going back to the forum is important as well. I have seen a job offered made to a job seeker on the forum, but unfortunately she never came back to see if anyone responded to her post. If you don't have the time to keep checking, you can subscribe to your own topic to receive notification via email when someone replies.

3. Use a recruiting agency. Yes it requires payment and some agencies may offer these services:
Help you create a proper work at home resume
Offer educational resources
Offer work at home resources such as articles, resume and interviewing tips
Match your skills and experience with a virtual company
Find researched home based, freelance and telecommuting job leads
Offer a work at home discussion forum and more

Even though you will work remotely from home, it doesn't mean you have to be alone when you're seeking a work at home job. Use these three suggestions today to find your telecommuting job.

S McIntyre owns WorkAtHomeSpace, a free work at home resource focusing on telecommuting companies, daily telecommute job leads, articles, business resources and other work at home related topics. Join our http://www.workathomespace.com/forum for work at home discussions, networking and more.

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2012年3月14日 星期三

Common Work at Home Jobs Pay Structures

Work at home jobs vary in pay, depending on who you work for and the type of work that you do. The important thing to remember is that unlike running a business, you will get paid by someone else to work for them. This is key if you need money in the short term and cannot afford to wait until your home business grows to the point where it can sustain you and your family. Here are some payment options you can expect as you search for home jobs.

Per Task

Some companies pay virtual workers for each task they complete. These are typically freelance jobs and not telecommute jobs. The main advantage for getting paid this way is the frequency. Most jobs will pay you two or more times each week. The main disadvantage is that many companies pay a low wage, as low as 50 cents per task. Some examples of the kinds of tasks you can expect include:

• Edit 100 word articles

• Research contact information for company managers

• Write blog posts

• Evaluate search engine results based on keywords

Getting paid this way is not for everyone. You may have to meet weekly quotas or produce a large volume in order to make a living. That can become tedious, boring and lead to burnout if it doesn't fit your personality. On the other hand, you may enjoy working on many small tasks, making this type of pay a great fit.

Per Project

Work at home jobs also pay on a per project basis. It's a step up from getting paid per task because the length of the tasks tends to be much longer. A project may take days or weeks to complete, and you will be paid some or all of it up front. Some examples of the kinds of projects you can expect are:

• Set up WordPress blogs

• Develop email marketing campaigns to promote a webinar

• Create YouTube videos

One benefit of this type of arrangement is that you can complete a project and move on, which is great if you find that you don't like the company or the work. The disadvantage is that projects may dry up, and you'll find yourself looking for jobs again. It can feel as if you're running a business.

Hourly Wage

You can also land telecommute jobs and work at home jobs that pay based on an hourly rate. These are often long term and you agree to work as an independent contractor in many cases. You'll be responsible for paying your own taxes, but you're guaranteed a certain amount of work each week. You can also find virtual employment where the company pays you an hourly wage as an employee. The company will take care of withholding taxes, as well some offer health insurance and other benefits. A common hourly wage for an entry level work at home job is $10 per hour.

When you're first starting out, you may need to take on a variety of work at home jobs that offer different wage structures. Once you gain experience and your resume is more marketable, you will have more options.

And, if you want more help finding a work at home job with the right pay, join me and other experts for the FREE Work at Home Jobs Telesummit. You'll hear from hiring managers on how to go beyond searching listings to find a job during this free event.

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Don't Quit Your Day Job! Convincing Your Boss To Let You Telecommute, Part 1 of 2

Are you desperately trying to find a telecommute job so that you can

quit your current one? Hold on! Your job just might have the potential

to be done from home.

With the right approach, a little research and a good proposal, many

employees are selling the idea of telecommuting to their employers.

In this first segment, we focus on the steps you should take in order to

determine whether or not your job is a candidate for telecommuting.

Many jobs are well suited for telecommuting...and many aren't. Your

first step should be to evaluate your current job and determine whether

or not it is feasible to do it from home.

Ask yourself the following questions:

Does your job depend on resources that are only available at the office?
If your job only requires Internet access, phone and fax, it is
definitely possible to do it from a home office. However, if you are a
receptionist in a medical office, you probably have other
responsibilities that require you to physically be there, i.e. having
patients fill out paperwork and filing.
Do you work well without supervision? Some people are perfectly content
to work on their own. Others need the support of having a supervisor
and co-workers nearby. Monitor yourself for a week. Be aware of how
often you rely on others and how you would deal with it if you had been
away from the office. In some cases, a supervisor may feel that getting
phone calls from a remote employee is disruptive, while a quick question
in the hallway is not.
Do other companies offer telecommuting for your job type? Do some
research and find out if it's already being done. Having evidence of
success with telecommuting can go a long way in convincing an employer
that it can (and does) work.
Does telecommuting fit with your company culture? If your company has a
culture of empowerment and trust, telecommuting may be a perfect fit.
If they have a more hands-on management style, it may not work. Think
about how your company manages their employees and whether or not the
hands-off style required for telecommuting is possible.
Could you cope with the isolation? Some people crave office gossip,
lunches with co-workers, water cooler chats and all the human
interaction that comes with a traditional job environment. If this
sounds like you, you may need to give serious thought to whether or not
working remotely is for you- it may turn out to be more like solitary confinement!

Here are some useful resources for evaluating your current job and for

determining whether telecommuting is right for you:

====>Do You Have The Skills to Telecommute? from About.com

====>Is Telecommuting For You? [http://www.inscriptionsmagazine.com/081400a.html]

In Part 2, we will discuss the ways that you can convince your boss to let you telecommute.


Sharon Davis is the Mom to two girls, the owner of 2Work-At-Home.Com, Work At Home Articles.net [http://www.workathomearticles.net] and the Editor of the site's monthly ezine, America's Home. In her spare time she reminisces about what it was like to have spare time.

To subscribe to her free ezine, Click Here.

This article may be reproduced providing it is published in it's entirety, including the author's bio. For a text version via autoresponder, send a blank email to dayjob@sendfree.com

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2012年3月13日 星期二

Finding the Work at Home Job - To Pay Or Not to Pay?

There seem to be some confusion among many newbies just coming aboard the work at home train. I know how difficult it can be to wrap your head around all the information provided. Sometimes it's as clear as mud and sometimes it's just plain murky.

Let's define work at home j-o-b. Yes, that's job with hyphens in between it. Why? Simply because you will know I mean a job that requires skills and or experience, a cover letter, resume and an interview. You may be an employee or Independent Contractor with a set schedule and a set wage.

It is true you should never pay to get a job. It works like any brick and mortar. The exception to this "rule" goes to purchasing equipment to help you perform the job properly and this may include a headset or foot pedal. Sometimes a background check is required if you're dealing with sensitive information, but this is done after you are hired and not before. Most companies will pick this tab up, but there are a few who don't and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it as long as the company is legitimate and reputable.

Now I just said it was true you should never pay to get a job, right? Exactly. Here is the difference and I'll explain a bit later. In most cases, you can find jobs on your own. There are plenty of work at home sites that provide FREE access to work at home companies and job leads. Some are researched and most are unresearched meaning you have to do all the legwork. What happens if you don't have the time or the resources or you're not "the job searcher and sniff-out-scams" savvy type person? Then there is an option for you to pay a one time lifetime membership fee to receive access to researched and reputable work at home companies. Confused about the pay thing? Don't be! Here's my explanation. You're not paying to get a job; you're paying for a service; for an agency to do the legwork for you. While there are mixed opinions on this issue, it is simply that...opinions. Don't let someone deter or sway you. Only you know the reasons why this could be a good solution for you.

Again, you will come across many sites who don't provide a legitimate service. There will be some, who have a database full of jobs, but the jobs can be found everywhere or it's not updated on a regular basis. There is one particular site with a very good reputation, comes with good recommendations and have been online since 1999.

Pamela La Gioia, Founder and Administrator of Telework Recruiting Inc. provides recruiting services for companies seeking telecommuting candidates as well as a membership based site for individuals looking to find telecommuting jobs and telecommuting companies.

Whichever direction or option you choose and everything is clear as mud, I wish you luck in finding your work at home job!

S McIntyre owns www.WorkAtHomeSpace.com, a free work at home resource focusing on telecommuting companies, daily telecommute job leads, articles, business resources and other work at home related topics.

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Finding Jobs In Today's Economy - Go Online For Results

In today's difficult economy, job seekers are looking for more effective ways of finding jobs and getting the work they need. The traditional methods of sending out resumes and cover letters or responding to classified ads can be expensive and time consuming. They can also have a very inefficient rate of return on time and money.

With a little research and creative thinking, finding a job today can be less frustrating, much less expensive and more rewarding. Online resources make the job hunting process today much different from what it was even ten years ago. Searching for a new job online is usually free, requires no investment in gas, babysitting or postage and it's possible to reach and reply to many more prospective employers than it would be in person. Additionally, conducting a job search online allows people to look for the perfect position around the corner or across the country.

There are many online resources for finding jobs that don't require any sign-up fees or membership costs. Large databases such as Yahoo Jobs, Monster and the like allow job hunters to search for jobs in various industries and based on their experience, skills and interests. New jobs are added frequently and users can also find good information on the companies that are posting employment positions. One downside is that there is a great deal of traffic on these sites, so the competition for some positions can be stiff.

Craigslist is another great online resource. There's a Craigslist for most locations and depending on the town searched, there is often less competition than with the larger databases. Most Craigslist sites are quite active, so new jobs may be posted daily. Craigslist is also an excellent source for telecommuting jobs, which might be a good alternative for some. It is important, though, to be careful of scams and "business opportunities" on Craigslist.

Forums and websites related to work in specific fields and industries may be another great resource. A quick Google search can turn up forums, groups and Facebook pages in any field. These types of sites are the new "word of mouth" in the digital age. Job openings are often posted or discussed and can lead to opportunities that have not been advertised elsewhere. That means less competition, too. Just be careful not to get caught up in web browsing rather than serious job hunting.

Finding jobs with specific companies is also made easy online. A visit to any company website will usually lead to the company's employment opportunities and application submission wizards. Job hunters can apply to dozens of companies online in far less time than by mail or in person. Today's economy may be difficult, but today's digital culture makes finding a job much easier.

Are you trying to find jobs in the UK? Be sure to visit our job search site to find IT jobs in the UK and many other professions and careers.

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2012年3月12日 星期一

Home Jobs for Moms - A Guide to Choosing The Right Opportunity For Stay at Home Mothers

When you are considering working from home, there is a set of decisions that must be made before anything. First, you need to know if you really have the skills and equipment to work from home. Then, you need to decide how you can put those skills to work - either through a telecommuting employer or your own business venture. There are many opportunities for working mothers to explore, especially online. Becoming a successful work from home mom is dependent on your research. Finding the right match for your skills, income expectations, and equipment is vital for a successful work from home venture.

Sometimes the best place to start a work from home career is where your last career ended. If you have done customer service in the past, there are a ton of virtual call centers such as LiveOps, West at Home, and Alpine Access that hire experienced customer service professionals and people with retail experience. When you work as a customer service agent from your home, you just need a reliable Internet connection and a working phone. Do you have experience in the hospitality industry? Some companies hire virtual concierges to schedule tasks for busy executives. Companies that hire home-based telemarketers are often looking for new workers and pay an hourly rate, with flexible schedules.

Experienced in childcare or teaching? There's a growing demand for online tutors with the right qualifications and patience to teach kids online. If none of the above seem to fit, there's always a chance to use your skills to form your own administrative assistant business. Virtual assistants are becoming widely accepted as an essential member of the virtual workforce -- and they can easily branch into new areas once they've grown a small list of clients. Usually, you need to have proficient internet skills and a comprehensive knowledge of word processing programs, as well as the ability to make and take calls from home.

If you want to start your own business, the opportunities are endless - but it will take some work and dedication. You can start with a direct sales company and sell products from an established brand to friends and neighbors. You'll be working on commission, however, so you'll need to plan your budget accordingly.

Another option for starting your own business is offering a local business such as daycare, personal assistants, or pet walking. All of these will require that you leave the house from time to time, but they can help you generate income. Just be sure to check the licensing requirements in your state before you make a decision.

If you're more of a mompreneur than anything, you may want to start an online business. Ebay stores and other retail prospects are always a good choice for moms, and there are many websites such as Work at Home Mom (WAHM.com) that have offer support and guidance for online ventures. Just make sure that you do your homework and don't get caught up in any scams pr pyramid schemes - they seem to run rampant on the internet. Many stay at home moms have found a home in the internet marketing community by directing web traffic to a website and then recommending certain products and services.

Decide first what type of job you'd like to do and then work from there. You don't have to limit yourself to one source of work from home income. Many moms take part-time telecommuting jobs while they work on building a business of their own. Don't limit yourself to what you know, take time to explore your options. Make sure you find an online community for support that you can turn to for new ideas, job leads, and guidance. There are a ton of successful work at home moms out there that love to share their expertise.

Melissa Brewer is an writer-preneur based in Washington DC. Do you want a real work from home job? The outsourcing industry is exploding with homeshoring employers [http://littlewhiteebook.com/homeshoring-jobs-guide.html] that hire moms, dads, retirees, and differently-abled people to work from home. Come learn more about how you can make a living from home, without breaking the bank. Interested in virtual admin work? We have information on virtual assistant careers [http://littlewhiteebook.com/virtual-admin-careers.html], too!

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How to Avoid Google Profit Programs and Find a Real Telecommuting Job

With the recent American economic down turn, all companies - from the local "Mom and Pop" grocery store to companies on the Fortune 500 list - are looking for ways to cut back on spending. One of the major resources at everyone's disposal is the Internet. More than ever, the large availability of high speed Internet access is not only feeding into the ever expanding global economy but also into creating opportunities for American companies to go nationwide.

The truth is that many companies have determined that employing telecommuters to work from home saves them more money than the cost of maintaining brick and mortar call centers. The functions that these call centers used to house - phone sales, sales verifications, customer service, customer satisfaction follow up calls - can all be successfully completed from the comfort of one's home.

This is good news for those of us who have either lost our jobs or are simply looking for ways to make ends meet. The problem is finding these jobs. If you turn to the Internet in an attempt to search out these job opportunities, you'll most likely find a veritable army of sales people trying to convince you to buy a range of programs "guaranteed" to make you a large income in a short period of time.

These programs are often nothing more than Google profit scams - programs that claim to have some "secret" to making you money for the low, low price of $300, $500, or any amount of money really. Generally these programs have different angles or packaging, but ultimately they are just explanations of how to use free Google programs to make money - AdSense, AdWords, or even basic search engine optimization tips.

Many of these Google profit scams have the same characteristics - very little detail on what the program actually is, lots of "personal" testimonies, and promises of making large amounts of money in short periods of time. A good rule of thumb is to never give your credit card number to a website without first understanding their cancellation and return policies, as well as knowing their customer service numbers. As long as you keep that in mind, you should be able to sidestep these bogus profit scams in favor of a real job that offers a regular paycheck.

One of the best ways to avoid these scams all together is to simply find companies who specialize in finding and hiring telecommuters for these various jobs. An example of this type of company would be Alpine Access, though they certainly aren't the only ones who work in this field. Recently ABC news did a story on this very topic, and they listed many companies who hire telecommuters for a variety of jobs.

If you decide that looking for one of these types of jobs is for you, then your best bet in actually finding one is not to search for a "work at home job" which will undoubtedly lead you to a host of Google profit scams, but rather to search for a company that provides these jobs, like Alpine Access or those companies referenced by ABC news. Happy hunting!

For more info check out additional Easy Google Profits and Alpine Access reviews.

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2012年3月11日 星期日

Common Myths About Telecommuting

"You can make a full time living right away."

False. While it is possible to make full-time money eventually telecommuting, this usually won't happen overnight. It is sometimes possible to transfer your "in-house" job to a telecommuting position, but it takes a lot of flexibility from both parties and many employers will want to try it on a part-time basis, with part of your time still spent in-office.

Quite often, it takes working for more than one company to make enough money. After time, and you prove to them you are reliable enough for full-time work, you may be able to work exclusively for one company, instead of as a freelance worker, or as a part-time employee.

"There's nothing but scams out there."

False. There are plenty of legitimate jobs, but it takes time, research and persistence to find them. There are many reputable job search sites, where employers and employees can make connections. The simplest way to avoid a scam is remember the best advice - never pay for a job. There are sites out there that promise to get you the high paying jobs, but you have to get a membership with them first.

Most of the time the jobs that they can find, you can find, if you take the time. There are a few sites that help facilitate freelance jobs, and take a percentage of the fee after the work is done. They hold the money in escrow while the work is being completed, protecting both parties.

"Working at home is easy."

False. Telecommuting is just as difficult as working a job outside the home, if not harder. There are new challenges. You have to balance work and family, around school, activities, and sick kids. Sometimes you need to learn a new job without someone right there to show you how. You have to be flexible, organized and self-motivating. Setting up a separate office area in the house is often a good idea, as it helps cut back on distractions (as well as being a tax deduction).

"Getting a data entry job will be easy."

False. I know most moms want this kind of a job, but it is very hard to get a data entry job. They are hard to find and get and the money isn't always the best either. There is a great deal of competition for these jobs, especially with more people wanting to work from home. While not impossible, you need to be able to stand out from the crowd when applying for the jobs.

"Working on the phone is impossible with little kids."

False. It can be a challenge, but many moms make it work. Many telecommuting jobs, such as a phone customer service operator, have a variety of hours to choose from. If you can set up your schedule for times that the children are either sleeping, at a regular play date, or when your spouse can keep them in another room, it can work nicely.

Nell Taliercio, the Telecommuting Answer Lady, owns [http://www.telecommutingmoms.com] where you can locate legitimate work at home jobs and practical advice to start your work at home career tomorrow!

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How to Be a Successful Telecommuter

It can be challenging to find a good telecommuting job, but more and more companies are jumping on board and establishing telecommute programs - which means increased opportunities for aspiring telecommuters. This article will share some helpful tips for creating and maintaining a successful telecommuting career.

1) Professionalism

The most important quality you can demonstrate to potential telecommute employers (and even once you have the job) is professionalism. It's not just about behaving well during the interview, either. In every interaction you need to portray yourself as mature, responsible, and business-like. The employer needs to feel confident that you can be trusted. Avoid filling your correspondence with smilies or weird fonts, and try to minimize background noise as much as possible during telephone interviews or meetings.

2) Dependability

Also important is to show that you are dependable. You can do this by making sure to be on time for interviews, responding to email or phone calls quickly, and of course once you have the job, "showing up" for work on time every day. Telecommute employers really have to take a leap of faith when they hire you to work at home because they can't stand over you to be sure your work gets done each day. It's up to you to put them at ease by demonstrating your commitment and dependability in every interaction.

3) Resourcefulness

Working at home also requires you to be resourceful, much more than regular jobs. You need to be able to think on your feet and handle any challenges that come your way. Your manager may not always be available at the moment you need him or her, so you will be expected to do your best independently. During the interview process your manager may even test your resourcefulness by asking pointed questions like, "How would you handle an irate customer if no one was available to help?" Your answer will reveal a lot about your ability to handle the job.

4) Communication

Since you will be isolated from your manager and co-workers every day, it's also important to stay in contact frequently. This includes answering email and returning phone calls quickly, but also being proactive by asking questions and otherwise making it known that you are involved and committed to your work.

5) Teamwork

Most telecommuters work independently, but sometimes you may be required to interact with others in a team environment (even if it's done by telephone or internet). Demonstrate your ability to work well with others by behaving maturely and professionally. If you have a disagreement with your boss or a co-worker, handle it calmly rather than flying off the handle.

Would you like to learn more about the ins and outs of working from home? Telecommuting is fast becoming one of the hottest career choices today. People everywhere are escaping the rat race and enjoying the true freedom and flexibility that telecommuting can provide. If you are ready to do the same, visit http://www.creativeworkathome.com/telecommute.htm.

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2012年3月10日 星期六

Don't Rush It or You'll Lose the Job

You've searched for months for the telecommuting job of your dreams. You've spent countless hours online hunting down a job. You've had the perfect resume crafted and brushed up on your interview skills. And all of the hard work and preparation has now paid off in the form of the perfect job!

You scanned the job ad and found the contact information, pasted your cover letter and attached your resume. You pause before you push the send button and think "better make sure that I have everything they need", but then that other voice tells you that you HAVE to get this to them ASAP before someone else beats you to the job...so you hit send.

OH NO, you think, you realized that you misspelled the job title in the subject line of the email and you forgot they needed your phone number. But, now it's too late! The email is in internet outer space.

Has this ever happened to you? You've become so excited by a job that you've rushed through the very important application process?

I'm sure we've all rushed through something because of our excitement, but in the case of applications you need to curb your excitement.

Yes, you could beat others to the application process, but the applicants who followed all of the directions to a T and spellchecked the email will get the job over you.

So when you're looking over a job ad, along with the contact information, always jot down the important details mentioned.

For example if they mention:

o Don't attach resume or Do attach resume

o Put (job title) in the subject line

o Include phone number

Thoughts from an employer

"While I anticipated that many under-qualified applications might arrive, I was surprised at the number of people who didn't follow the basic instructions for replying to the ads. For example, I specifically asked that no email attachments be sent and I received quite a few people listing "attention to detail" as one of their skills, but with their resume attached. Once I hired someone, it's been a fairly smooth process."

Linda Stacy

Final Thoughts

The job applicant, who slows down, follows the direction precisely, and fixes spelling errors will be the one to land the job.

So the next time your heart is racing over the "perfect job" make sure your brain and fingers SLOW DOWN so that you can pay attention to all the details and feel confident that you've included everything they asked for.

Nell Taliercio is the owner and founder of TelecommutingMoms.com [http://www.telecommutingmoms.com] – which is a leading resource website with work at home jobs [http://www.telecommutingmoms.com] and everything a telecommuting mom would need. Come visit us today!

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Expanding Your Job Search Horizons

Looking out over the online job search horizon, most job seekers' first gaze will set upon the most well-known job board attributed to revolutionizing employment searches and classified ads alike: Monster.com. A second glance yields Yahoo! HotJobs, CareerBuilder, and countless others. Given the wide audience these sites attract, is it wise to limit your search to the big hitters? There are numerous possibilities for conducting an effective job search, and focusing on sites like Monster merely scratches the surface. According to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, a serious job search should yield a comparable number of hours one will spend per week in the job. In other words, a part-time position of 20 hours per week will most likely result in the individual spending about 20 hours PER WEEK in job-hunting fervor. Of course, this includes everything from an in-depth personal analysis of goals to résumé preparation, customization, and beyond.

Maximize your online time by incorporating the following approaches into your next employment exploration:

Visit niche job boards. There are thousands of job boards with a variety of concentrations, from industry specific to ethnic focused. At TalentZoo.com, search for marketing, PR, and advertising positions. LatPro.com is "dedicated to helping Hispanic professionals find career success." Several resources available online provide comprehensive listings of specialized job boards such as NicheBoards.com and InternetInc.com. Join social networking sites. Networking remains on the short list of highly successful job search techniques. Well-known sites such as Facebook.com, LinkedIn.com, and Classmates.com can provide you with a plethora of opportunities. But, don't stop at joining the sites. Spend time nurturing relationships and reconnecting with former co-workers, high school friends, and other associates. Ideally, you should build a network long before you need to engage it to, for example, help you through a job search. However, it's never too late to begin. It's also important to note that you should be equally receptive to assisting others. Avoid becoming self-absorbed during the process.

Read blogs and other online media. Job leads may be found in the most obscure places. Other times, it is more obvious. While not a devoted employment site, ProBlogger Darren Rowse has established a tremendous following of professional bloggers. Recognizing the need for a place "where bloggers looking for jobs and companies looking for bloggers" can meet, he established the ProBlogger Job Board. Similarly, WAHM.com, an online magazine for work-at-home moms, updates their site regularly with an amalgamation of telecommuting jobs advertised across the Internet. The pros at this site do their best to scour the Internet for legitimate work-from-home opportunities by weeding out the scams.

During a typical week job-hunting, you'll have spent quite a few hours on your efforts. Applying the above approaches, however, may provide more time for you to relax and look out over the horizon for a different reason...to enjoy the sunset.

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Data Entry Telecommuting - The Skills and Tools You Need

Data entry telecommuting is a good option for you if you want to earn a decent income from the comfort and convenience of your own house. You don't need any prior education or training and finding the best job for you is now easier than ever. What you do need is some equipment like a computer with high speed Internet access, a headset, a printer and a telephone.

You only need minimal skills for this type of job. If you don't have them yet, you can easily learn them by yourself. First, a reasonably high typing speed, and second, a high accuracy rate are essential. Administrative skills are a plus. You should always check up on any job offer you may receive before actually plunging into it. A good indication of whether a job is a fraud is when the employer is asking you to pay a fee. In this case stay away from it.

To successfully work from home you need to be a disciplinarian when it comes to yourself. You should not allow yourself to be distracted by any non-work related events that are not emergencies. Another great advantage is that you have flexible working hours. So you can work at times when you are not likely to be required for other things. Once you develop a regular and consistent working time table, you will further increase the quality of your work and because of that receive even greater profits.

It's a good idea to use a room or dedicated area in your house exclusively as your home office, allowing you to focus on your work only. Not only will you be able to concentrate better in a productive environment, you can also perform better and get the job done faster.

Most data entry telecommuting jobs are easy to do and repetitive, never exhausting or stressful. Another added bonus to working from home is that you will save on the ever increasing commuting costs.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next hour, try what I did. I am making more money now than in my old business and you can too: read the amazing, true story of Martin Thomas in the link below. When I joined I was skeptical for just ten seconds before I realized what this was. I was smiling from ear to ear and you will too.

Imagine doubling your money every week with no or little risk! To discover a verified list of Million Dollar Corporations offering you their products at 75% commission to you, click the link below to learn HOW you will begin compounding your capital towards your first Million Dollars at the Easy Corporate Money Program.


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2012年3月9日 星期五

Get Senior Job Opportunities Now

One of the job opportunities seniors should give some consideration to is doing telecommuting or telemarketing from home. You can do this sort of thing on a temporary or part time basis.

Plus, working from home has many advantages. Freedom and economy are two things I can appreciate, right off the bat. With the price of gas the way it is, who wants to drive all over creation, just to make a few extra bucks?

Doing telemarketing from home, for most people, is a part time job. There are all kinds of companies out there that will provide you with job opportunities. Most of them want you to have a computer and a fast cable hook up. You will need to get an extra telephone line and a headset.

You will be working as an independent contractor, in most cases. There a many kinds of telecommuting jobs out there. Most likely, you will do some kind of customer service. On the other hand, there are some sales positions also. In fact, if you have a special technical skill, you can most likely utilize it with many telemarketing companies.

Being successful in telemarketing from your home requires a strong sense of self-discipline. Why? Mainly because you need to keep a strong focus on your work. You can't let the normal distractions of a home environment hinder you.

Secondly, being a good telemarketer, requires you to be strong in "delivery" and product knowledge. Remember, you are representing a business entity. In fact you are getting paid to represent this company in a reliable professional manner.

It doesn't matter if you are doing customer service or sales work. You approach to either is the same. You need a strong positive telephone presentation and excellent product knowledge.

Your rewards are a steady paycheck and you are working at your own pace out of your home. Most likely, this work will be done on a part-time basis, thus; allowing you the time to attend to the other interests in your life.

Using telemarketing as a way to get some extra income is not a bad idea. There is a huge demand nation wide by corporations. The good news is more telemarketing businesses are going after work from home telemarketers, which means lots of senior job opportunities.

Site Build It, the company that helped me build my site, specializes in helping retirees, work at home moms, and entrepreneurs get businesses going on the internet.

Here are some hourly pay rates that Aarp has recently published-Ref: Median Hourly Wages

9.70 Home care aide

10.33 Retail sales

12.34 Veterinary assistant

14.02 Pharmacy technician

14.32 Customer service rep.

14.69 Auto mechanic

16.74 Administrative assistant

17.81 Truck driver/heavy

19.42 Accountant

19.82 Physical therapist assistant

23.29 Public school teacher

28.65 MRI technician

28.82 Account executive

28.85 Staff nurse/RN

30.26 Dental hygienist

41.10 Database administrator

Additionally, Aarp has provided some company names that are receptive to hiring seniors:

Best companies for older people

Best Employers for older people

Good luck with your job opportunities.

Jack Marinchek is the publisher of the site, [http://standgreat.blogspot.com/], which features- inspirational information on life improvement, getting jobs and income, travel, and real estate relocation.

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Details About Working PHP Jobs From Home

In these difficult economic times, many people are developing an income by working from their residence. This has especially become popular since there are many different opportunities available via the Internet. Among those available are PHP jobs from home.

PHP at one time stood for 'Personal Home Page'. Since that time, it has expanded and is now called 'PHP-Hypertext Preprocessor'. This job requires knowing scripting language used on the Internet. A person in this job can have any of a number of responsibilities.

Some tasks can include developing scripts and implementing coding for a number of applications and websites using scripting language. The individual might update new content on a website, control the overall display and look of a page. It is known as an 'open course' scripting language, meaning there is no charge to use it, and it can be downloaded on a computer.

A person taking a job in this area must be acquainted with technical thinking, adaptability and problem solving. This employment is considered a specialized career and you must understand PHP and how to use it. A degree is not required, but you must be able to demonstrate your PHP programming skills.

There are different areas in this job, such as a systems or junior programmer, web developer, and others. Obviously, anyone looking to do this kind of work would have to be thoroughly acquainted with the Internet, websites, and the terminology used. There are many of these jobs available with companies throughout the country.

As with any job of this kind, caution should be taken regarding who you are working for. Many people have been successful with working at their residence, but others have been disappointed. Therefore, some investigation should be made prior to signing on for PHP jobs from home. In addition, you are considered an independent contractor, so you are responsible for taxes, social security and other deductions usually held out by the employer on a regular job.

Even if you can't make the same money you did at your office job or previous job, telecommuting can also lower other costs such as lunches out, business attire and commuting costs, such as soaring gas prices. This is a win-win for many people.

Telecommuting jobs are a great way for many people to live the lives they want while still making a good income. You don't have to win the lottery to travel the world or work from home, you can now do that with a computer and internet connection.

You can find details about the education requirements for PHP jobs and a list of virtual jobs on our site, today.

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2012年3月8日 星期四

Data Entry Jobs - Can You Really Get Paid For Typing?

There are many people who question whether or not data entry jobs are real and whether you can really make money by simply typing. One of the main reasons for people not trusting these sites is because they don't fully understand the concept. Most online data entry jobs today are commission-based and were designed in order to cut advertising costs for themselves by outsourcing many data entry and freelance workers. This way there is no out of pocket costs for them and everyone gets what they need.

The companies get large amounts of advertising and both parties get paid without any upfront expenses. Sound fraudulent to you? No, because it's not.

Many people are afraid because a lot of jobs are hard to come by due to the economy, however, this work is still available by the thousands and seem to be doing very well. That's because with or without a recession every company has to still pay for advertising. Marketing makes the businesses go round. Data entry is always a great choice when looking for work.

There are many different types of work from home jobs. The majority of them are simple and less technical then they used to be with all the traditional telecommuting jobs. Those jobs are no longer sought after as much because of high expertise one must have for such a low paying job. Why would one want to work such grueling hours and with such technicality for such little reward. The most lucrative is the ad posting and entering data into forms. This is basic typing and requires no special skills. One can make quite a living off of a program like this. It is reported that one can make from $250 and up per day simply by typing short ad forms for the purpose of promoting online web companies.

Data entry jobs, however, are not for everyone. One still has to have a lot of self motivation and drive. He or she must be willing to put in the time, effort, and have the ability to follow precise directions and be consistent in their efforts on a day to day basis before they are able to sit back a relax. These types of jobs such as ad posting jobs are like building blocks. You have to build your income up with work, time and effort before you can reap the benefits.

These are just a few facts that you'll want to keep in mind about data entry home jobs. As long as you possess the motivation and commitment to your job and building your income, then this is definitely something to look into.

For a recommended data entry program visit Typist Jobs. They have an excellent support team and training program for ad posting and you can start right away.

Delivering home based business ideas and reviews. Providing opportunities and resources so you can find the right online job for you. Home typing job review and link http://typistjobs.net

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Can Telecommuting Really Work For Moms?

As Mother's Day approaches, moms everywhere are looking at their wonderful kids and wondering if they are really striking the best balance in their lives. Are they really the doting, knowledgeable and fabulous moms that the greeting cards say they are? What if they didn't have to commute for an hour each day? Most moms would jump for joy at the idea of having an extra hour a day - heck, most people would!

Does working from home really work?

It certainly can. There are many pros: fewer distractions, less time commuting and less time spent getting everything last thing done as the mad dash out of the house happens each morning. (And that's even before we get to the gas prices making that commute even more painful!) Honestly, who couldn't use a little less time in the car and a little more productivity?

Nearly all of us, of course. And our bosses would agree. Ok, most of our bosses if they answered truthfully would.

It's not fun or productive to have employees arrive at work flustered and frustrated. And, it can be more expensive to keep office space along with general common spaces, such as lunchrooms and restrooms, than to have employees working from home. These things, in combination with the environmental benefits of employees driving less, have gotten many employers to think about telecommuting in a whole new way.

But to really be successful in getting a keeping a telecommuting job, you need to make sure that it will work for you. Ask some tough questions:

Are you a self-starter and motivated by the results?
Do you like the camaraderie of an office environment and sharing ideas with co-workers?
Can you stay focused on the task at hand - or will you be distracted by the dirty laundry and clean-but-full dishwasher?
Does your job - or any job in your company - lend itself to being done at another location?

It is almost more important that you know your own style than it is to worry about company policy at the outset. Working from home can sound great - but it just isn't for everyone. Be honest with yourself first - then approach your employer with a plan.

Your plan should include why this benefits the company, how you will manage calls from home and your ongoing availability to attend required meetings. Also be sure to address how your productivity will not decrease due to the changed work environment. It should not start out by focusing on why this is so great for you. Tell the employer what's in it for them first.

And to soften the impact a little, make part of your plan to have a trial period. Maybe it is to start with one day per week for 90 days to see how it goes. Then it can move to 2 days a week. Be sure to keep the communication lines open with your boss and your co-workers. No one should feel like the working arrangement is making communication more difficult - so be prepared to find new ways to manage what used to be done at the water cooler or in the hallway.

And if your boss does not approve? You can try again (but do not make yourself a pest!) - or you can find a company that is more open to a flexible work arrangement. Maybe this is the change you need to manage your total life - not just your work and career better.

Jennifer Peek writes about all aspects of kids and money at her website http://www.money-and-kids.com and is working on a better balance in her own life. See how she's doing that at http://www.money-and-kids.com

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2012年3月7日 星期三

Could Your Current Job Be Suitable For Telecommuting?

You may or may not realize this, but sometimes it's better to consider taking your existing job home with you rather than perform an all out search for a new telecommuting job.

Your existing employer knows your work ethic and this can be to your advantage when attempting to convince them to allow you to telecommute.

However, not all jobs are suitable for telecommuting. And this article will focus on that. Distinguishing what jobs are suitable for telecommuting will help you determine if your current job is a prime candidate for this type of work environment.

How many hours out of your workday are spent working on projects alone? If you perform a type of job where you are trapped in one area for an extended period, this could be a job for taking home. That's why typing, computer programming, designing, reporting, writing, data entry, engineering, designing all are decent candidates for teleworking arrangements.

But even if your job involves this type of work, you must consider whether your job requires large amounts of interaction with other employees or your employer. While, everyday technology is advancing to make this less and less of a concern, it should be something taken into consideration.

Video conferencing and other methods of distance communication our advancing so everyone can easily take advantage. Right now, the necessary hardware, software, and connection speeds to do this efficiently aren't available to everyone at a reasonable price.

In the near future, you can expect telepresence to break down this barrier of required communication with employers and colleagues. Making telecommuting a much easier proposition for employees in this current dilemma of needing to have constant contact with their fellow workers.

If you are not familiar with telepresence, it's basically, a method of communication where your image can be seen by someone communicating with you as if they were sitting across a desk from you.

Believe it or not, our communication lines are set up for allowing this. The communication speed is there and we can expect this technology to become more and more common in the near future.

Now, just the opposite, if your current job involves interacting with others outside your organization then this can easily be done from elsewhere. Telephone customer service and telephone sales are all good candidates for telecommuting.

Do you work at a physical plant, construction site, retail store? If this is the case, then it will be a lot harder, if not impossible, to convert that job into a telecommuting position. That is, unless your job involves large amounts of phone or computer work within these settings.

Do you need to be available at a moment's notice? If so, telecommuting may not be a good choice for you. If you are the main point person when people need problems solved right on the spot, being at home may not cut it. Do you manage other peoples computers, the company network, office equipment, etc.? If you do, you may find it hard to convince your boss your services can be performed from home.

These are just a few things to consider to determine if your present job is suitable for telecommuting. If your job can't allow this type of work environment and you still want to work from home, you need to consider finding another job that does.

If your job isn't suitable for telecommuting, you may need to find one that is. And this could mean needing to learn some new skills. You can definitely learn the skills you'll need for a future telecommuting job from the comfort of your home.

If your job happens to be suitable for telecommuting and you want to stay with your current employer, your next step would be to find out if your company has any telecommuting policies in force. Then you will need to discuss your telecommuting desire with your employer. And you just might be working from your home very soon.

Find out the Five Top Places to find free telecommute work opportunities, just visit Telecommute Now and download your free Telecommuting Job Search Strategy Guide. Get It Now.

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Evaluating Whether Home Internet Jobs Are For You

With the upcoming elections, one of the biggest issues on everyone's mind is the high unemployment percentage looming over the country. President Obama himself said that even though the economy is recovering, there is no way to replace those eight million lost jobs overnight.

And if businesses and the economy can't provide those millions of lost jobs, then where are the people who lost their jobs supposed to find new ones? Evidently in what is quickly becoming it's own branch of the economy - home internet jobs.

Home internet jobs can encompass anything from being a customer service associate, placing follow up calls from home to check on customer satisfaction and get feedback for your company, all the way to creating your own personal internet based business.

Obviously, in the current economic crisis there are so many other people vying for every available employment position, that many times it may seem easier to the jobless to begin your own internet business, rather than try and compete for a company job that simply utilizes the internet to work from home.

In the at home business arena, there are a handful of legitimate prospects and many, many more scams. One of the cheapest ways to make money online is through Goolge AdSense. This is when you create a website or a blog based on any subject of your choosing, then allow Google to place ads for other companies on your site. When a visitor clicks on an ad, you get paid.

Now, this method of earning advertising profits from home is not the easiest way of making money from your own internet based business - just the cheapest, since participating in Google AdSense is free. But creating your own website and getting people to want to visit it in order to gain those advertising profits from home is tough job.

Consider this: what most unemployed people don't have is a lot of extra money to invest in a business opportunity. What they might have is the time to work hard toward earning more money.

But if you don't have the time to wait around for your new internet based business to bring in the money, then you are much better off taking the time to try and compete for a telecommuting job. Unfortunately, most ads you'll see online say you can make a large income with your own business with little to no effort.

This is not only unrealistic, it is a major warning sign. These people are more often just after your money and are not actually willing to train you or help you in the way that they promise. So consider what kind of time and money you have to invest in your new job and then decide which home internet job is for you.

If you would like more info check out additional Home Internet Jobs and Advertising Profits From Home reviews.

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2012年3月6日 星期二

How to Choose a Work at Home Job

There are a lot of work at home jobs available these days, unlike a few years ago. It could get confusing when faced with a long list of work at home jobs. So how do you choose the right one? It's tempting to just apply for anything you feel qualified to do but choose with caution. Here are some things to consider:

- Choose with a career in mind. If your plan is to return to the on site work world in future, don't settle for just any job. Think about the type of career you want, or the type of career you already have some experience with, and look for a telecommute job along those lines. It will be much easier to land an on site job in the future when you can show the employer that you have been developing your skills for the position while working at home.

- Decide how much you want to be paid and look for a job that offers that rate or something close to it. You will feel greater satisfaction working from home if you are earning what you feel you are worth.

- Pay attention to the requirements of the job and ensure that you can meet them. Do you have the required skills? The right equipment? The right environment? Can you meet the hours required?

- Avoid any company that wants you to pay a fee in order for them to hire you. Those are scams. If you would not pay to work for a company in the physical world you should not do it online.

- If you have what it takes, you may want to consider online home business opportunities also. Like any business, these will require a lot of work and will not pay out instantly.

Keep it professional when applying for a job. If you are given the opportunity to name your own salary, do some research so you don't overcharge or sell yourself short. Good luck with your job search!

Cat A compiles lists of work at home opportunities at Work at Home Lists. Visit http://workathomelists.blogspot.com for fresh lists of work at home jobs.

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Have a Plan Before Proposing Telecommuting to Your Boss

Everyday people think about how great it would be to work in the comfort of their own home and at their own pace instead of commuting to work. For mothers, how they wish to have the option to work at home to spend more time taking care of the family. For people who feel that their personal lives are out of balance due to their hectic working schedule or simply sick of the grind, telecommuting is seen as the answer and the only option in their desire to work at home.

Proposing an off-site arrangement at work is actually possible with your boss, but there are a lot of factors that need to be considered for somebody to be given the chance to telecommute. Before giving the telecommuting proposal, make sure in your heart that you are a good candidate for telecommuting. Often, bosses approve such proposals only to employees who have already proven their worth in the company, shown the right work disciplines and have served the company well for quite some time.

All successful telecommuting proposals take a great deal planning. Once you have finalized all your terms, it's time to give your boss the big news. Here are some of the strategies that you can use when planning and presenting a proposal:

1. It would be best to give both a written proposal with an oral presentation. This way, your telecommuting proposal becomes comprehensive. The presentation means to enlighten your boss about certain things that are included in your proposal, enabling him to absorb some important points about your proposal, giving him the opportunity to raise questions as well as objections.

2. When doing a proposal, make sure that you focus more on how your proposal benefits your employer and not yourself. Never focus on how well it would serve your needs. Avoid mentioning your need for more time with the kids or any other personal reasons; discussions must only revolve around the job. Your proposal must be telling something about how it can help you become more efficient and productive, and how well it would benefit your employers and the company that you are working for.

3. Telecommuting proposals are the best time to brag about your work accomplishments. Touting your value to the company as well as your traits as a great worker may help you get an approval.

4. Propose a trial period during which your bosses will determine whether or not you are more efficient doing telework. It also gives your bosses an easy way out of the deal. Just make sure that you perform well during this period for it will make or break your chances of becoming a telecommuter.

5. Present accountability measures. Employers are mostly anxious about telecommuting because of fear that you become unproductive when no one is watching over you at work. Lay out a work outline and schedule when he can check on you from time to time. Make sure that your boss knows that you are reachable and flexible; give him or her your phone, fax, pager, cell-phone numbers and e-mail addresses to convince them that you have all the necessary work equipment installed at home.

When giving your proposal, be sure that you are prepared to answer questions. Expect that your bosses will be looking out for reasons why not to approve your proposal. Using these tips can help you convince them to do otherwise.

Chris Simpson is dedicated to helping people find honest and legitimate work at home jobs and home based business ideas. Find legitimate online paid surveys and many other great ways to make money online today at: http://www.HomeNetPro.com

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2012年3月5日 星期一

How to Find a Telecommute Job If You Are Currently Employed Full Time

If you are interested in working from home that is great! Unfortunately if you already have a full time job it may be difficult to pull away, especially if you are trying to transition over from one to the other. Why is this a problem you may ask? Well work from home jobs often come in part time packages which is fine starting out but if you are trying to go from a full time out of the house job to a part time work from home job you may have some difficulties paying your bills at first.

So you might be wondering how to start working from home without killing all your time or your budget. Well I will try to explain how I would approach this interesting problem when looking to work from home.

First you need to decide what type of job you are going to look for when working from home. It is important that you find a job that will allow some flexibility for you. After all this is probably partially why you are working from home right? So let's say you want to work from home doing some accounting. So once you have decided on what it is you want to do then you need to try and find a position that is not only partime but maybe even a once a week job. This way you can work your full time job and then on Saturdays work from home for a few hours just to get the hang of things.

When you have gotten the hang of this you can move on to working part time at nights when you get home from work. At this point in your life you will probably hate your jobs and want to quit one but instead of quitting you should look into the possibility of working part time away from home so you can work part-time at home. If you can pull this off great because you are halfway there!

To finish up you now just need to upgrade your work at home to full time status and completely quit your out of house job. Transitioning like this is a great option for people who want to work from home but don't like the idea of transitioning way too quickly.

These are just a few ideas of what you can do to begin working from home. It may not be the best option but it should be good enough to at least get you going in the right direction. Good luck in your work at home goals.

Joseph Stevenson is a Web Developer and freelance writer for Las Vegas Website Designers http://www.las-vegas-website-designers.com/. Currently he is a SEO best practices advocate and professional nerd doing freelance work at Employed Online.

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Get the Training You Need For Work at Home Medical Coding Jobs

With any people today looking to telecommute for work home based businesses, there is little reason to wonder why there is such an increase in work at home medical coding jobs. With so many other work at home opportunities certain areas in the medical field are likely to participate as well. The nursing field has been a participant in the home based area for many years but it has only been within the last 5-10 years that medical coders have begun to sell their services as freelancers or contractors.

The field of home based jobs has become larger as the interest grows. Many people today, especially mothers who are looking for jobs that will allow them to remain home with their children. Since the 60s the numbers of two-income families have grown substantially but as we enter the 21st century many offspring of that era are looking for ways to contribute to the family income without facing the dilemma of finding a good daycare. Doing at home medical coding jobs can provide the best of best worlds-the flexibility to work around family needs and a steady income.

For those who worked outside the home as medical coders the task of finding work at home medical coding jobs will be much easier. For those with no experience in the field training will be necessary before you will be able to secure any kind of medical encoding job at home or onsite. The good thing is once you have completed the training and have established yourself as a reliable and knowledgeable medical encoder you will have very little trouble securing employment or at home projects. Unlike many other fields you might choose, the economy is not going to prevent people from seeking medical care unless they lack health insurance and are not seriously ill.

Dustin Heath recommends that you visit http://www.homebusiness.us to learn how you can start your own home-based business earning multiple streams of income with a Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!

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2012年3月4日 星期日

Home-Buying For the Telecommuter - Part III

If you already read Parts I and II of my "Home-buying for the Telecommuter" series, you've learned already about 2 factors that the average telecommuter must consider when house-hunting that non-telecommuters may not need to concern themselves with.

Read on now to learn about the final factor that is probably the last thing you'd expect me to tell telecommuters to be concerned about!


Every home buyer (or home seeker) has heard the real estate mantra "Location, location, location!" Getting a home in just the right location can be one of the biggest challenges when buying your house. In Part I of this series I mentioned, however, that the exclusive telecommuter may not be concerned about location - sometimes living hundreds of miles away from his or her company office. And even for people who still have to go in once in a while, a long commute once or twice a week is a whole different consideration than a long commute every day. Obviously if you only telecommute occasionally then you still need to live driving-distance from work. But chances are, the more often you telecommute, the easier it will be to tolerate a long distance to the company office.

However, no matter what your current telecommuting status, one thing you must remember is that the only constants in life, as they say, are death and taxes. I've never heard telecommuting added to that list.

Even if you work for a company that is very pro-telecommuting, you never know when the rules might change for you. I've seen even very large companies that are known for excellent telecommuting policies suddenly switch gears and call all their telecommuters back into the office. I've seen policies so strict that people who were unwilling to move could no longer keep their jobs. All it takes is a new CEO, or new head of your organization, and suddenly the rules are all different.
Don't forget the risks from down-sizing. Suddenly your whole group is cut and you're job-hunting. But the jobs you apply for may not be as interested in hiring someone who lives in the middle of nowhere and can't come into the company office on a regular basis. Do you have a large financial cushion to take the extra time to find a job that permits full-time telecommuting? Or do you have a family depending on you as sole bread-winner, and you can't afford to be out of work for more than a couple months?

Unless you are certain that you'd rather take the time and make the sacrifices to find a new telecommuting job than go back into a company office again, or you don't expect to stay in this house you're buying for very long, don't get too cocky about how flexible your home location can be. You may want to hedge your bets and make sure you live close enough to your company (or other companies in your industry) that you can drive in (perhaps nearly daily) if you absolutely had to!

If telecommuting is an important part of your work-life balance please consider this factor plus the others mentioned in the previous articles when you buy your next home!

You can find Parts I and II of my article on my author page

Bottom Line? Experience huge gains in time, money, and stress reduction by telecommuting. You deserve it! But don't dive in unprepared. Make sure you know how working from home differs from going into the office. I invite you to get your free copy of the "Top 10 Telecommuter Mistakes list" - to learn from the mistakes of others: http://avoidgoingtowork.com/free

Nicole Bachelor, the "Master of Telecommuting Success" is the author of "How to Avoid Going to Work Without Quitting your Job". She specializes in teaching people how to effectively work from home. Nicole has been telecommuting exclusively for over 4 years, and has vast experience working with teams that are spread across the world.

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Freelance Writer Tips - Where to Find Freelance Writing Jobs Online

If you want to break into freelance writing, the Internet is a great place to start. Many professional and amateur writers get paid to write for the Internet. Freelance writers can choose jobs that include creating web content, copy writing, resume writing, medical writing, and more. In the beginning, finding good freelance opportunities can be difficult and tiresome. Writers have to regularly check online writing boards and sift through the infinite number of super low-paying or offensive job offers. Even so, good writing opportunities and decent pay do exist.

Here are three great places to find freelance writing jobs online.

1. Newsletters

The Internet contains numerous online resources to help new and experienced freelance writers. Subscribe to weekly or monthly writing newsletters and receive insightful tips on different writing areas such as how to write a query letter, where to look for job leads, how to choose a writing niche, etc. Newsletter subscriptions are free and delivered to your email.

2. Telecommute Job Boards

Telecommute job boards feature several opportunities for the stay-at-home professional. Whether you want to spend more time with your children, or simply enjoy the freedom of working from a home office, online work at home job boards supply a host of opportunities. Great boards to locate freelance writing jobs are Freelancewriting.com, JournalismJobs.com, and Craigslist. Freelancewriting.com offers several web content opportunities and is a great place for the beginner writers. The downside is that this online job board features several low-paying opportunities. For example, someone may post a writing job for several 800-word articles and offer the writer $5 per article.

3. Pay for Freelance Writing Job Leads

Some freelance writing job boards charge subscribers a fee. In turn, you'll receive access to a "so-called" exclusive job board, or have daily job leads delivered to your email box daily. While the subscription fee is inexpensive, a majority of the job leads are available on other sites for free.

Valencia Higuera is a freelance writer and ghostwriter. For additional tips and resources on starting a Freelance Writing Career, visit Freelance Writer's World, an online website that offers suggestions, advice, and periodic freelance writing job leads.

Click Here! and Start a Profitable Freelance Writing Career.

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Defining Data Entry Jobs and Data Entry Programs

Every day at least one person will ask if a particular data entry job is legit. Every day at least one person will ask to find a data entry position.

Data entry jobs are the most desired, most favourable and most sought after position online. You will hear often data entry jobs are rare, few and far between and it's true. If that's the case, why do you see them scattered online so much?

Here's the difference between data entry jobs and data entry programs.

Data Entry Jobs

Data entry keyers inputs lists of data (alpha and numeric) into a spreadsheet or computerized database. Most reputable companies hire based on keyboarding skills, keystrokes per hour (KPH), accuracy and speed. These positions also require a cover letter and resume from the applicant and the applicant may be asked to take a typing test. They never ask you to pay for registration or training material fees.

Data Entry Programs

These are the ones people always ask about...especially for its legitimacy. Anything that promises or guarantees high returns for very little work is mostly a scam. I say mostly because the word scam is thrown around in a much too general way...just like the words data entry is.

These are not real data entry work or positions per se. These are business opportunities or programs which require upfront fees. The websites are colourful, bold and they almost always have screenshots of how much money can be made each day.

So, where's the data entry?

These programs consist of using Clickbank, a retailer of digital products. You would sign up for a free account with Clickbank, choose a digital product and then use Google AdWords (pay-per-click) to promote. Filling out the information on AdWords is where these companies label it data entry. Misleading? Yes to a point because primarily you're selling a product; you're an affiliate and you're not paid for the information you input, but you're paid a commission based on how many sales you make.

Is it legitimate? I would not pay for something I know I could do free. They may throw in some e-books to help you become a better affiliate, but the Internet is a huge source of information and all of it can be found for free.

Now you know the difference between data entry jobs and programs pretending to be data entry, there are real companies who pay you as an Independent Contractor or employee. Although these highly wanted positions aren't so readily available or highly publicized, don't give up on your search. Don't stop looking because your desired job may be just around the corner.

S McIntyre owns Work At Home Space http://www.workathomespace.com a free work at home resource focusing on telecommuting companies, daily telecommute job leads, articles, business resources and other work at home related topics. You can also visit her blog Healthy Perspectives http://healthyperspectives.blogspot.com featuring an array of health topics, nutrition, recipes and fitness for maintaining a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle.

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2012年3月3日 星期六

Elance - A Telecommuter Review

In my Elance review I'll let you know everything that I know about Elance. Elance.com started in 1998. Not too many companies can keep up with scam that long, especially with the number of people involved every day, so you know Elance is a legit company. They have sourced out billions of dollars worth of services to big companies and individuals. If this sounds like a good place to grow your telecommuting career, then read on!

There is something for everyone to do at Elance, from transcribing audio to coding a business class application. You can write an eBook for someone or read and record an eBook for someone. You can create logos for all types of businesses and organizations, or illustrate characters for games and stories. There are literally hundreds of different types of jobs to do at Elance.

To begin with, Elance you get 10 free bids each month (Elance calls them "connects"). When an employer posts a project, you have to type up a bid and explain why you're a good fit for the project. The minimum bid is $50, so you know you're going to get paid for at least a few hours of work. This is a lot better than some of the other freelance sites where employers can charge $10 or even $5 and you end up getting pennies after all the fees. After you've posted your bid then you wait to hear back from the employer.

Overall, this site is one of the best places online to grow your freelancing portfolio and skills. Then when you are ready you can finally turn it all into a career and telecommute from home full time! Hopefully my Elance review has filled you in on what great tools this freelancer site provides.

If you'd like to find more telecommuter reviews, visit our site - TelecommuteFTW

I've been telecommuting for the past 5 years and I'd like to share all my knowledge and experience in working with telecommuter websites.

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Finding Jobs For Stay at Home Moms

Jobs for stay at home moms are becoming more popular online nowadays. More stay at home moms are looking for ways to build their own financial independence online, and help pay for home expenses. There are literally hundreds of online programs and jobs for stay at home moms, and it can be difficult to find ones that are real. The first step for finding legitimate jobs for stay at home moms is to avoid the get-rich-quick schemes that plague the internet. These types of work at home scams often include home assembly and envelope stuffing. Making money online is not hard, but it requires a lot of time and work. Many beginners give up because earnings are very slow in the beginning. If you play your cards right, you can earn good money online and even make it a full time job. Depending on your goals, some of the work at home jobs for moms can prove to be an excellent way to put money aside for retirement, pay off credit card debt, or save money for a nice vacation.

Before you begin comparing various jobs for stay at home moms, determine your income goals or career goals. There are all sorts of telecommuting home jobs these days and many employers are willing to make arrangements for freelance telecommuting if you are qualified. Telecommuting jobs for moms range from telemarketing to virtual assistant work. You could start your own data entry service and offer your services to businesses, or you can find home-based data entry jobs for moms and work from home. If you do not want to find a full time job, there are plenty of part time jobs for stay at home moms in the telecommuting area. Most of these job do not require college education, although it would be best to have a degree or at least a high school diploma.

If you are the creative type and you prefer to write, there are plenty of online writing jobs for stay at home moms. Over the last few years, online writing jobs for moms have become very popular and many moms are making an impressive full time income from it. To make money writing online, sign up on free websites that share advertisement revenue with writers. Write helpful articles about your interests or passions. Learn about SEO to get the most out of your article. After you have accumulated a large article library, you will start to see your hard work pay off. If you are having trouble finding legitimate jobs for moms, writing is a good place to start. You are not going to make much money in the beginning, but eventually the earnings will turn into monthly passive income.

Other jobs for stay at home moms include blogging and affiliate marketing. It might sound complicated, but the concept is simple. Create your own blog and write about things that interest you. Learn how to attract visitors to your blog. Make money online from your blog by joining affiliate programs and selling affiliate products. You do not need any technical skills or your own store to make money online as an affiliate. Although some people may not consider these to be jobs for stay at home moms, you would be amazed by the number of moms who are making a lot of money online selling products and writing articles. These are the most profitable jobs for moms and if you are able to drive a lot of daily traffic to your blog or articles, you can make a substantial amount of money from advertising and product sales commissions. Some commissions can pay as much as fifty percent. Other jobs for stay at home moms include paid online surveys. Moms can hop onto a paid online survey site from home and complete quick surveys and offers to earn money. These are part time jobs for moms, and while they do not pay a whole lot, you could make an extra couple hundred bucks every month to help pay the bills.

More details about finding jobs for stay at home moms here.

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2012年3月2日 星期五

Finding a Good Online Job For Your Teen

It sees like each new year, a new set of youngsters and parents are searching for online jobs for teens, using any means necessary to find that perfect job. Whether it is a summer listing for online jobs for teens, or a year round listing of online jobs for teens, finding online jobs for teens can prove to be difficult at times. The age bracket has a lot to do with the fact that there are not as many as people seem to think there are.

Some companies are providing online jobs for teens, partly because they would like to help the younger generation, as well as increase the productivity of their company by offering online jobs for teens. By offering these types of jobs, they are enabling teens to make more of an effort to choose to make something good of their futures, as well as make good choices about their lives and what they would like to do with them. These types of jobs can involve everything from at-home data entry jobs to janitorial jobs at the office.

The companies that mostly offer online jobs for teens, are easily found by use of a good freelancing website. While you may not be able to ascertain right away whether they are offering legitimate positions, you can always require an escrow payment to be set up so that you can be sure they will pay. In general, finding freelance jobs is one of the best ways to allow your teen to take responsibility for their work and to use some real-life skills like writing, web design, and organization.

It is imperative as the parent, that you make certain the online jobs for teens that your teenager is considering are wholesome and positive for their future in whatever field they are interested in pursuing. Some jobs will require the teen to find and collect email addresses for spamming, and these kinds of jobs should be avoided at all costs. A simple article writing, data entry, or programming position could help your teen get a jumpstart in their chosen career, and a healthy paycheck beside.

If you or someone you know should happen to come into contact with a company offering online jobs for teens that breach any forms of laws, whether indecent or illegal, you need to notify the proper authorities as soon as possible, to lower the risks of these becoming just another scam to harm your children.

Most of the online jobs for teens that are being publicized, are in fact good jobs, however, we all know that along with the good, the bad sometimes makes it's presence known as well. Keep your teens safe, know which jobs they are applying for, and hold the companies accountable for their offers and promises.

Jordan Matthews is a internet entrepreneur who got his start with freelancing work and telecommuting. Sign up for his newsletter at Telecommuting101.com and get a free guide to doing freelance work online, plus a list of other work at home jobs that are available.

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