2012年1月31日 星期二

Jobs That Will be Better for Part-Time Telecommuting

Telecommuting jobs come in two different types. The ones that you work from home the entire time and the others that have you work part-time at home and part of the time at the work site. The Part-time telecommuting jobs are ones that will be local to you. Here are some types of telecommuting jobs that work better for Part-time telecommuting:

Paralegal - This is not always considered a telecommuting type job, but some employers allow for part of it to be done at home. Because this job entails filling out private sensitive information, the documents used in these purposes, aren't allowed to leave the site's premises.

Human Resource - Phone and paperwork duties can be done from a home office, but there will be face to face meetings that will have to be done on site for the company. A recruiter generally finds people to hire, so oftentimes you will see that as a total telecommuting job, but human resources deals with more than just hiring and firing. They are what keep the company's team together.

Social Work - This is much like the human resource position. This job has duties that can be performed from home, but will require some face to face meetings with those you represent and also with service providers that will be helping your clients.

Sales - Those who sell products to local businesses will have to make visits to those companies. The phone calls and the necessary paperwork could be done from the home office. There can also be weekly or monthly meetings with other employees and management for the company.

Mystery Shopping - Some companies will hire people to evaluate certain businesses and their customer service qualities. Most of this job will be done at the requested business site, so that one can evaluate their service as a shopper there. The phone evaluations and the reports that you would fill out based on your visit for that particular day, are usually done from home.

Auto Appraiser/Claims Adjusters- There are several duties that these jobs have that could be done from your own home office, but there will be on site visits to do the vehicle appraising. In a lot of cases you may be traveling quite far to evaluate certain vehicles.

There are many positions that could actually be done completely from home, but the company that hires the employee chooses to make it a part-time telecommuting and part-time on site position. Those that make that decision usually do it because they want the part-time face to face contact with the person they hired for that position.

This enables them to keep tabs on that employee and allows them a level of comfort knowing that there's sufficient enough communication between them to ensure completion of necessary projects. Each company will be different in how the position will be performed, so you will want to ask before taking on a job with them.

You can cut your commute & still keep your paycheck. Discover all the many ways to earn an hourly income from home & also gain free access to work at home jobs at: http://www.justonlinejobs.com

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