We all know that some fads come and go. Just when you get used to one thing, you suddenly find it gone and something else takes it place. There has been some controversy over whether or not Telecommuting is simply a fad that could go at any time.
Some people who want to get into a telecommuting position are afraid of giving up their current onsite positions; as they're worried that the telecommuting concept will suddenly drop like flies and they will find themselves out of a job.
So, that brings up the question of whether Telecommuting is here to stay or not. Let's take a look at where telecommuting is at this point in time:
o Telecommuting has been around for many years, even before desktop computers became available in most homes. It started out as only a few select people working from home and slowly grew from there.
o Some telecommuting companies are thriving today. While telecommuting started with employees performing one or two tasks from home; things have progressed to the point where some companies hire only people to work from home. Some of these companies, mainly customer service ones, are bringing in a lot of business.
o The cost of running a business has increased as the prices of everything increases. A lot of small businesses are looking for ways to cut their spending to bring in more profits. One of the best ways they're finding to save money is by creating telecommuting positions to eliminate some of the bigger cost items.
o Some of the smaller cities are facing a problem with having a lack of skilled workers living locally or ones that will work for the pay the business could afford. A lot of people that have the qualifications needed for some positions are going to the larger cities to get employment that could sustain the lifestyles they need. The smaller businesses sometimes have to resort to finding people to do the job clear across the country.
Based on this information, telecommuting is only growing stronger. That makes it unlikely to be fizzling out anytime in the future. If anything, it only proves that it will continue to grow and become more readily available in many types of positions.
Skeptical minds, however, have to wonder why telecommuting doesn't have a stronger hold in the employment industry that it should have by now. The reasons for this all have to do with misconceptions of how a telecommuting job would work.
There are still a lot of employers that continue to have the mindset that working from home means a lot of slacking off time due to there not being someone to keep a watchful eye over them. This may be the case sometimes; it's not the norm for most telecommuters.
Those who work a job from their home office tend to perform their best work because they're in a comfortable environment, don't have the stress of getting to and from work and because they don't have a boss looking over their shoulder.
Once the misconceptions are eliminated then more telecommuting jobs will start popping out of the woodwork. As prices of gas and other items increase, employees will be leaving their onsite positions to save money. The employers will probably come to the point that they would have to allow telecommuting for some positions in order to keep people working for them.
With that said, telecommuting is here to stay, but will continue to grow at a snail's pace. New technology is always coming out and some of them will be perfect solutions for performing a job from a remote location while keeping data safe and ensuring their workers aren't slacking off.
Nell Taliercio has been working at home full time since 2004. She's worked as a telecommuter, virtual assistant and affiliate marketer. In 5 years she's discovered many secrets to finding legitimate work at home jobs and securing them. You can find work at home job information and tips at: http://www.justonlinejobs.com
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