The information superhighway has certainly helped us in a lot of ways. It has made a milestone in the field of the business industry. Because of the internet, there are millions of people nowadays who prefer to work at home rather than going to a regular office day after day.
What a great opportunity this is for people to do their job in the quiet surroundings of their own abode, surrounded by all their home comforts. It sure beats braving the cold and dark winter mornings these days. This is why telecommuting has become such a phenomenon in the computer age.
Think again if you believe that telecommuting is not as stressful or as hard as doing your job from the office. Even though it has become really popular in recent times, telecommuting is also becoming more and more challenging. So, if you are thinking of a life of telecommuting, consider these ideas.
Act professional - The world of telecommuting also requires everyone to have the professionalism expected from those who really work in physical business establishments. Deadlines, reports and estimates still have to be on time and presented in a professional manner.
Show enthusiasm - Take note of this. generally employers will be a little weary of telecommuting as they are not in a position to watch you. They may think that there are too many distractions in the home. Make sure you show extra enthusiasm at when working at home.
Downplay telecommuting aspect - Do not give the impression that telecommuting is the the only reason you applied for the job. You should apply for the job as if you are to be at the office everyday. Bear in mind that telecommuting is an option for the employer rather than the employee.
Be flexible - Be prepared to be more flexible when telecommuting epically when it comes to schedules. Whereas at work, you have a certain set of tasks to complete at by the end of the day, at home you may have to schedule work outside of office hours.
If this is the case, you have to show your employer that you are very flexible and willing to tale on the irregular nature of telecommuting. I may not be the case that you have to work many irregular hours in practise, but it is good practice to show you are willing when needed.
Always remember that telecommuting is not the easiest of tasks. You will have to perform to the same high level that you do when you are at the office - perhaps even more so. But it can be very rewarding to work from the comfort of your own home.
Don't start your CV until you've read this article on CV writing that will impress your employer. Also see Telecoms Jobs in Europe - a Telecoms jobs resource.
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