2012年3月12日 星期一

How to Avoid Google Profit Programs and Find a Real Telecommuting Job

With the recent American economic down turn, all companies - from the local "Mom and Pop" grocery store to companies on the Fortune 500 list - are looking for ways to cut back on spending. One of the major resources at everyone's disposal is the Internet. More than ever, the large availability of high speed Internet access is not only feeding into the ever expanding global economy but also into creating opportunities for American companies to go nationwide.

The truth is that many companies have determined that employing telecommuters to work from home saves them more money than the cost of maintaining brick and mortar call centers. The functions that these call centers used to house - phone sales, sales verifications, customer service, customer satisfaction follow up calls - can all be successfully completed from the comfort of one's home.

This is good news for those of us who have either lost our jobs or are simply looking for ways to make ends meet. The problem is finding these jobs. If you turn to the Internet in an attempt to search out these job opportunities, you'll most likely find a veritable army of sales people trying to convince you to buy a range of programs "guaranteed" to make you a large income in a short period of time.

These programs are often nothing more than Google profit scams - programs that claim to have some "secret" to making you money for the low, low price of $300, $500, or any amount of money really. Generally these programs have different angles or packaging, but ultimately they are just explanations of how to use free Google programs to make money - AdSense, AdWords, or even basic search engine optimization tips.

Many of these Google profit scams have the same characteristics - very little detail on what the program actually is, lots of "personal" testimonies, and promises of making large amounts of money in short periods of time. A good rule of thumb is to never give your credit card number to a website without first understanding their cancellation and return policies, as well as knowing their customer service numbers. As long as you keep that in mind, you should be able to sidestep these bogus profit scams in favor of a real job that offers a regular paycheck.

One of the best ways to avoid these scams all together is to simply find companies who specialize in finding and hiring telecommuters for these various jobs. An example of this type of company would be Alpine Access, though they certainly aren't the only ones who work in this field. Recently ABC news did a story on this very topic, and they listed many companies who hire telecommuters for a variety of jobs.

If you decide that looking for one of these types of jobs is for you, then your best bet in actually finding one is not to search for a "work at home job" which will undoubtedly lead you to a host of Google profit scams, but rather to search for a company that provides these jobs, like Alpine Access or those companies referenced by ABC news. Happy hunting!

For more info check out additional Easy Google Profits and Alpine Access reviews.

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